You Turned 35? Why This Isn’t the End of the World

“I turned 35!” screamed the young woman. “My life is over!”

It’s no secret that our society values youth. We’re bombarded with messages telling us that we need to look and feel young in order to be happy and successful. So it’s no wonder that many of us view getting older as a negative thing.

But here’s the thing: aging doesn’t have to be a bad thing! In fact, there are plenty of reasons why your life may actually get better once you hit that 35 year mark. Here are just a few:

1. You’re more comfortable in your own skin.

By the time you reach your mid-30s, you’ve probably learned to love yourself – flaws and all. You’re also likely to be more confident than you were in your 20s, which can make a big difference in your overall happiness.

The popular Weird-Western, historical-fantasy/science fiction podcast, The Strange and Astounding Memoirs of Watt O’Hugh, starring Sal Rendino, returns for a full season, with eight new episodes!

Available on Spotify, AmazonApple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts

2. You know what you want – and how to get it.

In your 30s, you’re probably more clear about your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. You also have a better understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses, so you can focus on using your strengths to your advantage.

3. You’ve developed lasting relationships.

In your 30s, you’re likely to have deeper, more meaningful relationships than you did in your 20s. This is because you’ve had time to really get to know yourself and what you want out of a relationship. So if you’re in a good relationship in your 30s, it’s likely to be a lasting one.

4. You’re more financially stable.

In your 30s, you’re likely to be more financially stable than you were in your 20s. This is because you’ve had time to establish your career and start saving for the future. So if you’re worried about money, your 30s may be the decade when you finally start to feel more financially secure.

5. You have a better sense of who you are – and who you want to be.

By the time you reach your mid-30s, you’ve probably developed a pretty good sense of who you are as a person. And that can be incredibly liberating! Once you know who you are, you can start working on becoming the best version of yourself.

The popular Weird-Western, historical-fantasy/science fiction podcast, The Strange and Astounding Memoirs of Watt O’Hugh, starring Sal Rendino, returns for a full season, with eight new episodes!

Available on Spotify, AmazonApple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts

And the best is yet to come. In fact, your 40s, 50s, and beyond can be some of the best years of your life, because you’ll have the wisdom and experience to make them whatever you want them to be.

So don’t despair if you’re approaching or have just turned 35. It’s not the end of the world – in fact, it may be just the beginning of a very beautiful journey. Embrace your age and enjoy all that life has to offer!


Content by Audere. Image by Pexels.