Why many Americans are terrified of AI
A poll carried out last week by Reuters revealed that more than half of Americans believe AI poses a threat to humanity’s future.

Currently Reading Into: Zen, Gumption, Quality, and Motorcycle Maintenance
Somehow last summer I found myself in the thick central highlands of Vietnam attempting to fix a vacuum leak on my rented Honda CR125. I ran out of gumption, that “psychic gasoline”.

Was David Foster Wallace a Post-Post-Modernist?
DFW gives us an analogy of the smoke clearing after the rambunctious post-modern shindig.

How Artistic Activism can Move Us Toward a Better Future
A new book called “The Art of Activism” provides a deep dive into the process, principles, history, and practice of artistic activism. One of last year’s major highlights for me was participating, as training director, in the launch of Beautiful Trouble’s new website. We pulled together over 10 years worth of creative activist resources, including […]

How Edgar Allan Poe Became the Darling of the Maligned and Misunderstood.
Edgar Allan Poe, who would have turned 214 years old on Jan. 19, 2023, remains one of the world’s most recognizable and popular literary figures. His face – with its sunken eyes, enormous forehead, and disheveled black hair – adorns tote bags, coffee mugs, T-shirts, and lunch boxes. He appears as a meme, either sporting a popped collar and […]

Your Sunday Funnies: The Death of Preiss (Part 3)
In the latest chapter of Alon Preiss’s serialized comic strip, two bereaved daughters meet over Sunday brunch to discuss their father’s ghost.

Your Sunday Funnies: The Death of Preiss (Part 2)
In the new chapter of a serialized comic strip, a look back at the life Alon Preiss lived, before his strange message from beyond the grave.

Your Sunday Funnies: The Death of Preiss (Part 1)
Their father was dead. The email couldn’t be from him. It was a prankster, a hacker, some kind of glitch. But what if it were a ghost?

In this Swedish bestseller, a young Sámi woman fights for survival
Newly translated into English and soon to be a Netflix film, “Stolen” is a powerful novel that explores an Indigenous community threatened by climate change, racism, and violence.
Two Worlds for Conquest!
That vortex had to be snuffed out—but defended as it was by Uhalians in the air and upon the ground, how could Cloud make the approach?
DeLameters and Space-Axe!
Startlingly slim, swathed in billows of glamorette, she looked as fragile as a reed—but Cloud knew that appearances were highly deceptive.
“I only beg of you,” he said to me, “don’t make an unbeliever of the boy! I will give you,” he said, “as much as would pay for a whole lot of grammar, if you will not teach him that the earth goes round the sun!”
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 8: Changing Fortunes!
In the aftermath of a major space battle, the Kroleni see Lozlian in a new light — and so does he, in the science fiction series finale!
The Boneheads of Dhil
On Lune, peace of a sort existed. More precisely, it was a truce of exhaustion … and preparation for further strife.
Recap: Watt O’Hugh, Episode 8: “Sidonia”
In Episode 8 of the radio drama, we finally visit the legendary city of Sidonia, which is as weird and amazing as we all imagined.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 7: The Battle is On
Lozlian’s induction into the Kroleni army reserves is cut short when he’s driven to fulfil a more primal call of duty.
Billboards: New Science Fiction by Steven S. Drachman
“I guess sometimes your whole world can change, when you see a billboard by the side of a highway.”
The Vortex Blaster Makes War!
When a loose atomic vortex crashed to earth through his home, destroying everything that had made life worthwhile—Doctor Cloud changed!
Fiction for the Season: “Thanksgiving at Todd’s Asylum”
Many a chuckle lies in wait for the reader in the pages of this story. And the humour is of the sweet, mellow sort that sometimes brings moisture to the eyes as well as laughter to the lips.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 6: Contact!
As the situation deteriorates for Lozlian and the Chitinists, a risky plan yields surprising results, in Mark Laporta’s exciting sci-fi serial.
Watt O’Hugh Podcast Episode 6: Master Yu’s Mission, Now Streaming! [Advertisement]
You may have heard of me. My name is Master Yu. In 1874, I had nothing to look forward to but a life of wine, women and bad poetry. For me, this was enough! Life often provides a surprise. This is my story.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 5: Food for Thought
Trapped on a speeding vessel, destination unknown, Lozlian and Elizabeth assess their options, and come up blank.
Doomsday on Ajiat
Professor Jameson had looked for a means of preserving his body forever—and he had found it., in this rediscovered SF classic.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 4: Trouble Times Two
His world strangely fragmented by competing political forces, Lozlian seeks refuge in his work — but to no avail.
Watt O’Hugh Recap, Episode 5: Prison Break!
The most recent episode of the Watt O’Hugh radio drama, which dropped last night, sees the 19th-century gunman and dime novel hero finding his way in the Wyoming Territorial Prison.
Joseph Gilbert: The Eternal Quest
The incentive to do good in this world died. The world was satiated with wonderful things. The machines were to blame.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 3: Agitators
A slight change of plan leads Lozlian into a world of thorny political intrigue that, although new to him, is a timeless relic of sentient civilization.
Star Chamber: The Question
“Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare? Or did some other author write the greatest body of literary works ever constructed and then capriciously relinquish — abandon — every ounce of credit for the writing of them?”
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 2: Enter the Humans
As Lozlian discovers, in a highly competitive interstellar civilization, even the simplest mission can be fraught with unforeseen drama.
Ray Bradbury: Defense Mech
Halloway stared down at Earth, and his braintore loose and screamed, Man, man, how’d you
get in a mess like this, in a rocket a million miles past the moon, shooting for Mars and danger and terror and maybe death.
Sal Rendino on his New Weird-Western Sci-Fi Podcast
Veteran actor Sal Rendino recently recorded the lead role for The Strange and Astounding Memoirs of Watt O’Hugh, a Weird-Western sci-fi podcast that’s just been renewed for a full first season.
Coming of Age on Tuvulot, Episode 1: Strange Request
On a sleepy colony world within a vast interstellar empire, a troubling call spoils the cozy mood of a bright summer morning.
Shadowless: New Science Fiction by Steven S. Drachman
Adrieé was beautiful, and Quil’s life was perfect, in a world that had vanquished its troubles. Then came the Wildlands Incident.
Fingers of Fear, Episodes 9 and 10!
This week in Ed. Wheelan’s silent film thriller, famous detective Hazel Knutt uncovers a family secret that may answer to the mystery!
Fingers of Fear, Episodes 7 and 8!
In this rare comic strip from Ed. Wheelan, the famous detective follows a sinister mystery to California, where finds an intriguing clue
Your Sunday Funnies: Fingers of Fear, Episodes 5 and 6!
Hazel Knutt, the famous detective, has traveled to California, following an ever expanding trail of mystery, in this silent film thriller from Ed. Wheelan.
Your Sunday Funnies: Ed. Wheelan’s “Fingers of Fear”
In this latest installment of the rare, faux silent film thriller from 1927, Hazel Knutt, the famous detective, follows a tangled web to a California honey magnate!
Anomaly, Episode 8: Mixed Blessings
Natius’ rescue from a distorted patch of space-time lands him in a society distorted by unspeakable arrogance, in the final episode of Mark Laporta’s SF Saga
Your Sunday Funnies: Ed. Wheelan’s “Fingers of Fear”
Ed. Wheelan’s faux silent film thriller begins with mysterious break-in, a jilted lover and a tough female private detective!