Kalyee Srithnam: We’re All Animals
We’re all animals, and as such we should be compassionate towards our fellow creatures. Animals feel pain, love and happiness just as we do, yet they are often treated inhumanely. There are many ways that we can be more compassionate towards animals, both big and small. In this article, we will discuss some of the things that you can do to make a difference in the lives of animals everywhere!

— Spay or neuter your pets to help reduce the number of animals who are euthanized each year due to overpopulation.
— Adopt an animal from a shelter or rescue organization instead of buying one from a breeder or pet store.
— Don’t support businesses that use animals for entertainment, such as circuses. When I was younger, I used to go to the circus all the time to see the elephants and tigers. But now that I know how those animals are treated, I would never support that industry again.
— Educate yourself about animal welfare issues and share what you’ve learned with others.
— Be a responsible pet owner. Provide your animal with a home, food, shelter, love and care.
— Volunteer your time or donate money to an organization that works to improve the lives of animals.
I LOVE animals. I wish all animals would be free. The happiest animal is a FREE animal. They should all be free to roam and not have to be in a cage or on a leash. They should all have food and water and medical care. We need to do better for our animal friends. Each and every one of us can make a difference in the lives of animals. By being more compassionate towards them, we can create a better world for all creatures to live in!
Until next time,
Kalyee Srithnam is a 24-year-old writer, columnist, sometime-model and erudite chocolate fiend, who loves unicorns and writing content that helps people feel seen. Her column appears each Monday and Thursday. Follow her on Twitter.
Image: Pexels.