Audere Magazine on Christmas
Here at Audere Magazine, many many many of us aren’t Christians, or Christmas-celebrators, although some of us are. Still, we all recognize that it’s here, and we have a few words on it. Here are some essential reads (well, maybe not “essential,” but they are “reads”) from our pages.
First, what would Christmas be without Christmas comic strips? Well, it turns out that it would be a lot less racist. So we scoured our collection and managed to find an old Christmas comic strip that isn’t racist, and here it is.
Next: A word on why Christmas movies were so appealing in the middle of the pandemic.
Alon Preiss is certainly not a Christian, or a believer of any stripe, but sometimes the Christmas spirit still wins him over, for a while anyway.
Is there a good defense for Wonderful Life‘s demi-villain, Sam (Hee Haw!) Wainright?
Finally, Steven S. Drachman has a few words about the original War on Christmas, and it’s not what you think. (Psst, spoiler alert: it started with the Pilgrims.) But he says go ahead and enjoy it anyway. Read more here.
Enjoy the eggnog. Try to avoid any new strains of Covid, if you possibly can. See you next year.