Kalyee Srithnam on Civility in America
It would be great if our politics would become civil.
We need to learn that, just as with the whole political spectrum, it’s all about power and control. Democrats would be outraged if they were excluded from the democratic process, Republicans want to eliminate social programs to provide their personal insurance companies with cash, they want to ban abortion to keep more women without insurance, the list goes on.
Power and control. I do believe that we need to be much more civil in our political discourse, but as long as one side or the other is trying to grab all the power and control, it just ain’t going to happen. Let’s face it, our politicians are nothing more than a bunch of spoiled children who never learned how to play nice.
Every day we are bombarded with movies and television that keep us glued to our little black boxes. Reality becomes what we see on the screen and not what is happening in our own backyard.
If we want to see change, perhaps it needs to start with us. We need to become more involved and stop being so apathetic. Only then will our politicians be forced to take notice and maybe, just maybe, they will start behaving like adults.
As an adult, I can finally relate to kids and what they are saying. We are not being bombarded with the same garbage as the kids, but people are still stupid.
Just because I am an adult, does not mean I do not want to see change. Just because our politicians are adults, does not mean they should not have to listen to us. Just because our politicians are adults does not mean they should always be allowed to be rude to us.
I do not want to see change because it will benefit me, but because I want to be able to have a better future for my kids.
What we need right now is change. Change in the way our politicians are behaving, change in the way we view the world, and change in the way we act. I think they are acting like children right now, and as adults we need to take it to heart. They need to be more civil, we need to be more involved, and they definitely need to listen to us. It’s time for a change.
Xoxo, Kalyee
Kalyee Srithnam is a 24-year-old writer, columnist, sometime-model and erudite chocolate fiend, who loves unicorns and writing content that helps people feel seen. Her column appears each Monday and Thursday. Follow her on Twitter.
Image:; Pexels.